College life is challenging. It’s joyful – and it’s stressful. We’re surrounded by peers – but it can be lonely. We need to focus – but we can find ourselves pulled in all directions.
This semester, we invite you to come and receive, and come and grow in authentic friendship in a Catholic Illini Small Group. Small Groups are a chance to rest and re-center, a chance to find an outlet, and a chance to find encouragement and spiritual nourishment for the week. Small Groups are student-led, student-focused explorations of Scripture as it applies to your life now, and beyond. Small Groups meet weekly in a community of authentic friendship to celebrate the joys and navigate the difficulties of campus life.
We all need someone to run the race with us. In a Catholic Illini Small Group, that’s just what you’ll find: friends to run this race alongside you. Friends who care deeply about the important realities of your life.
Contact us at